im not sad enuf to check the forum every 5 secs to see if everything has been posted before, i did search but couldnt find anything and im sure it amused a few people.
i undestand completly. he has a maths project and he has to find out how many hankeys it would take to fill up AS Club, and AS Cadet. On top of this he has to work out the weight of the hankeys, and phone a freephone number to order the hankeys, and a price of 4 euros each.
He then says if anyone can provide him some kind of loan, or break into their life savings to help fund the hankeys, he can then put the hankeys onto a track such as nurburg ring and see how the scale of hankies compares to a real track. Its a fairly complicated question so im afraid i cant help m8. I know about how many t shirts can fit in a race track but ive never done the math for hankies.
He then asks, if he were to set ALL of the hankies on fire, how long would the flame take to reach the opposite side of the circuit. And wants scawen to program in some form of hankey simulator to allow him to complete his maths project, which is apparently close to being canceled because his dead line is VERY soon.
What a stupid bloody question hes asking. Tristan will probably know the answer tho.
today i drove a go kart with... yes 50hp!!!! its the most incredible thing, and it has front wheel brakes too which tear your face off.
if anyone knows TKM or rotax this might give u an idea of just how fast this thing is. a TKM was HALF WAY up the main straight at whilton and i was in the 1st 2 corners. by the end of the straight i was 10 yards ahead, and went past this tkm like a BULLETT. and TKMs arent slow machines.
for those who dont know TKM or MAX, ill give u some numbers. The karts we used for the LFS event have 12hp, with very hard tyres, rear brakes only and weigh about 60 or 70kg more than the 50hp water cooled wankel machine.
if anyone sees a test near them, do it NOW. its just so quick.
theres a track near edinborough called RaceLand, indoor and outdoor circuit.
if i had it my way we would all go up there but its too far for any foreign people/welsh/most people to travel. Great track tho, cheap too.
I think we need a central event, somewhere near Leister of however u spell it
i must admit about a year and a half back i sent people sets with no brakes. all very funny, but i was the only one who got taken out by them at T1 LOL!!
hmm, using a normal set significatly reduces your wrecking performance, and im fallin behind because theres alot of new wrecking sets being developed now